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Broken Waters


We see from the outset that the outback dead animals have us in the middle of a damaged environment.
Al a city winning lawyer confronts her boss to finish off the legal opposition. It takes a shrewd Al’s boss to have Al reluctantly return to her outback home to get her dad Ben out of jail who was arrested with Maggie an eccentric retired art teacher for protesting about what has happened to the town’s water.

Al is drawn into the towns troubles when she finds out that her goddaughter/niece is ill in hospital. Derek the hospital doctor (son of the Mayor) has taken to Al which leads to a conflicted relationship between them.

Al comes to the attention of the self-serving Mayor, the opportunistic Police Superintendent and the ruthless Texan mining operator. Returning home has Al coming to terms with dealing with the death of her mother which has her questioning
who she really is. Al’s dad Ben and Maggie go missing which draws Al further into the conflict with the town’s power brokers. Al forms a bond with her dad’s friend Babs who acts as a wedge to open up Al about her mother.

Al encounters a threat both physical and mental from the Texan mining operator who realises quickly that Al is not someone to be easily messed with. The relationship between Al and Derek strengthens as they share a near death experience in the
outback. Al comes to realise it is not all about winning and dealing with loosing is just as important. Tom an Aboriginal farmer partner of Derek comes to their rescue and Al realises how much Tom has been affected by the illness of his wife. Al takes the law into her own hands when she takes the Texan mining operator’s most valuable means of escape from his house.

Tension builds as Al starts to put pressure on the bad guys and Al’s fate is now being openly discussed. The bad guys are starting to show breaks in their unity. Al is now getting attention from the Police Commissioner in Sydney. The final act cumulates
with Al disrobed from her lawyer armoury having to use her outback skills to overcome the Texan mining operator who will use any means to have his valuables returned. When all seems lost, Al musters up every ounce of her inner strength to bring her adversary a deserved justice.

Writer – Pat Boyle

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