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A filmic – experimental story? difficult? ecstatic? – a series of notes in the form of non-cinema.
Sideways and across, a company of people in a psychiatric residence, is part of the precipices of the mood of a girl who thinks of herself as a model, poet, actress, and maybe she really is, if it weren’t for that fool who always walks beside her.
Film experiment, etc., incomplete in its manifest and unconscious uncertainty.
In the background remain the mystery of fiction and the end in the human being.
Fiction as a system of being in the world, an end as an end to being in the world, a necessary background for the human being to produce the game of fiction and continue to make the world running the all-female risk of excessive joy.
Long beaches, buildings like cathedrals, woods, knights in arms, tribes of redskins, wonderful women become old wooden chairs inside empty hospital rooms where, perhaps, only the sound of the sea echoes.
In short, GRETA and ROCCO tell of the nostalgia for that banal and peaceful life they wanted to have and which they never lived, but which they are condemned to remember forever.

Director – riccardo vannuccini

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