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Done For


Shortly after returning to her home town, Georgia is faced with a catastrophic disaster that forces her and her friends to leave. As they attempt to flee the area, they must overcome dangerous obstacles, as well as mend cracks from their past friendships to have a chance of escape – or else they are truly done for.

Filmed in the small town of Blairgowrie, Scotland, over the course of 5 days under covid-restrictions and with a micro-budget, ‘Done For’ was made with a diverse cast of local actors with a crew of two people (one sound recordist and one filmmaker). The result is a short film that aims to thrill the audience with unexpected scares, emotional performances from brand-new talent, as well as an intimate portrayal of friendship that many people can relate to.

Although the story of ‘Done For’ was written by Patrick Rooney, the majority of dialogue was almost entirely improvised by the talented cast and crew on set. As well as writing the story, Patrick Rooney also shot, edited and musically scored the entire film, crafting a complete vision from start to finish.

Director :  Patrick Rooney

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