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Sword and Sorrow


More than a thousand years ago, in one of the famous cities of Mesopotamia, Madain, when the cruelty of the Sultan was at its peak, upholding justice was throwing one’s life into death’s jaw.
Karen is a seven-year-old child, with his most significant possession being a birthday gift, a wooden sword bestowed on him by his father. But on his very same birthday, things take a tragic twist; the Sultan puts all who disobeyed him and their families to the sword and Karen. Thanks to his uncle, Karen survives. They escape the city, and his uncle entrusts him to the loving Brochim family in a small village named Mahuza. Although Mahuza is always full of love and Karen receives plenty, no second passes without him mourning for his family and dreaming of finishing what his father has started.
Now, after twenty years, in Madain, Karen sees an opportunity to make his father’s wish come true finally, but he’s also aware of what it will cost.

Director : Emad Rahmani, Mehrdad Mehrabi

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